Want to Know if You Should Pursue
Compensation for Your Injuries?

Want to Know if You Should Pursue
Compensation for Your Injuries?

We really care, find out how much your case is worth,
take your FREE quiz now.

Disclaimer: This quiz is not intended for individuals who have already accepted a settlement. No guarantee there will be any compensation.

What kind of accident were you involved in?
Auto Accident
Motorcycle Accident
Truck/Tractor Trailer Accident
Pedestrian Accident
Slip And Fall Accident
Uber/Lyft Accident

Why Choose Us?

Years of experience

Gordon and Barkley Heuser have over 80 combined years of personal injury experience. Our team has helped thousands of injured people pursue compensation for their injuries.

Injured? We can advise you!

Don’t go it alone. We make legal help as stress-free and affordable for you as possible. All you have to do is take our FREE quiz to get started today.

The Help You Need?

Our team of experienced lawyers will seek fair and appropriate compensation as they fight for you.

Personal Injury Claim Tips

Pursuing compensation in an injury case can be challenging. No matter what happens, there are many things you can do to put yourself in a great position to secure damages. These include:

Take Care of Yourself

You may have concerns about the costs of your medical treatments — and rightfully so. Keep in mind if you ignore these treatments, your injury may get worse. The defendant in your case may also use your decision to forgo medical care as part of their argument against you. By taking care of yourself, you can continue to recover from your injury. Your attorney can help you track your medical bills and make sure you account for them in your request for damages. 

Do Not Post Content About Your Injury on Social Media

There are many legal mistakes to avoid after a car accident in Colorado Springs or any other incident that leaves you with an injury. One of the worst things you may do is publish photos and videos on social networks relating to your injury. If you post content online, the defendant in your case may be able to access it. They may use this content to show your injury is not as serious as you first reported. Instead of using social media to share information about your injury, use phone calls, texts, and emails to keep family and friends up to date. 

Do Not Speak with an At-Fault Party or Their Insurance Company

If an at-fault party or their insurer contacts you, it may be an issue. They may ask you to make a statement on the record about your injury or accept a settlement. In either of these scenarios, get legal help. An attorney can discuss your claim with other parties. They can keep you from saying or doing something relating to your case you may regret down the line. 

Build Your Case

You may believe you have a strong case, but the legal system offers no guarantees. If you remain persistent, you may be able to gather many pieces of evidence to support your argument. You may also be able to connect with witnesses who can testify for you during your trial. Over time, you can develop a compelling argument that may lead the defendant in your case to offer a fair settlement.

Hire an Injury Lawyer

You do not have to go through the legal process on your own. By hiring an injury attorney, you can get the help you need to maximize your damages. A lawyer and their legal team are committed to your case. They can help you build an argument to convince a judge or jury to award you damages.
When you choose a lawyer who has plenty of personal injury case experience, you are in good hands. Your attorney will advocate for you throughout your litigation. They will commit the time and resources required to help you.

Get Started with a Personal Injury Claim

You may have no idea if you have a viable injury claim. Fortunately, the injury attorneys at Heuser & Heuser, L.L.P. can evaluate your claim. We make it easy to submit a claim for damages. Our team will represent your best interests. 

Our Results

Truck Accident

Client was hit by a truck, sustaining ankle injuries, a broken pelvis, broken ribs, and a broken wrist. Client required surgery.

Auto Accident

Client was involved in a roll over accident. Client sustained head, neck, and back injuries which required rehabilitative care, several surgeries, and extensive therapy.

Auto Accident

Client was rear ended and pushed into another vehicle. Client sustained a back injury and significant lost wages. Client required extensive therapy.

Workers’ Compensation

Client swerved to avoid an accident and hit a pick up in oncoming traffic. Client sustained neck injuries, shoulder injuries, and back injuries. Client required injections, physical therapy, and significant future lost wages.

Workers’ Compensation

Client was loading and reloading bags into a truck when a lower back injury was sustained. Client required surgery. Physical therapy, and had significant future lost wages.

Auto Accident

Client was hit while making a left turn. Client sustained broken ribs, teeth, and multiple fractures. Client required care in a rehabilitation facility.

Workers’ Compensation

Client was on the job when another vehicle struck the vehicle the client was driving. Client sustained neck, back, and leg injuries. Client required surgery, physical therapy, and medication for life.

Workers’ Compensation

Client jumped off a piece of heavy machinery and injured his lower back. As a result of the work incident, client sustained disc protrusions which required injections and surgery.

See What Our Clients Say

“I Saw Gordon and Everything was Fine”

I was a paramedic climbing into a fire truck one day, and I herniated a disk. The insurance company was not returning my calls. They weren’t even returning doctors’ calls. I went and saw Gordon and everything was fine after that. I didn’t have to do another thing as a matter of fact. Part of my settlement was continued health care on my back for the rest of my life. Thank you very much, Gordon. I had a wonderful experience. You handled everything for me.

– Robert

“He Won At The CO Supreme Court”

I was at work and I went to the break room. Then, on my way back, I slipped and fell in a little water. I couldn’t sit or turn. So, I knew something was wrong. I happened to see this commercial and, for some reason, Gordon just stood out. I made the call and he said come in. And I came in, and the ball got to rolling. Gordon helped me get doctors and be seen by the proper doctors. He won my case. Each appeal we went to we won. And then he took it to the Supreme Court and he won that. Gordon, I would just love to say I appreciate all the hard work you did for me. Thank you so much.


“They Got Me A Better Settlement”

My job is driving a dump truck and a woman pulled out in front of me. I swerved to avoid an accident, but I did lay the truck down on its side and we both skidded into the bar ditch. I’d seen the Heuser & Heuser commercials. I gave them a call. I asked them if they felt what I had received [from the insurance company] was fair. They said, “Well, it’s fair if you want the minimum.” I asked them if they could do any better and they did quite a bit better. I really appreciate what Gordon did for me. I’m very happy with the results and it really is just that easy.


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